DualEducationFinder: find, what you are looking for.

Especially in the Alpine Space, dual education is a traditionally rooted concept. It offers a great opportunity to take up a qualified profession. Dual education also steadily supplies the economy in the Alpine Space with qualified workers. To ensure that dual education continues to be an attractive educational option for young people, we provide here information for various target groups on the topics of vocational orientation, qualification of trainers and permeability of educational systems.
In-Company Trainer
Training and mentoring future crafts(wo)men

This is intended to address persons who are training apprentices or trainees in craft professions as part of their work in an SME.
In-company trainers are at the forefront of dual education and training by providing apprentices with the practical and theoretical skills they need for their future profession. They also often emotionally support their apprentices. Trainers can contribute to improving the image and value of dual education and training through their work and engagement in their company as well as in the public (e.g. through open house days, job fairs or apprentice competitions). In view of their crucial role, it is obvious that in-company trainers should remain open to new social and educational developments. Attending advanced training courses, e.g, with regard to technical innovations or to meet the needs of certain target groups, can help them to cope with ongoing changes.