Inspire Students to take up the Crafts
It is not always easy to bring together crafts and graduates with higher school qualifications. For this reason, there are various initiatives to inspire pupils with higher school qualifications or studies to take up the crafts.

The region Rosenheim/Bavaria (D) organizes the job and career fair "meineZukunft!", which is also aimed at university graduates and students looking for internships and theses.
The region of Auvergne Rhône-Alpes (F) organizes the "mondial des métiers" job fair. The project "Craftsmanship makes its cinema" is also aimed at high school students.
The region of South Tyrol (I) organizes the "Futurum – South Tyrols education fair ", which is open to all and thus also offers access to people with higher school qualifications. The project "Encounter School-Company & Open Days” is also aimed at high schools, technical colleges and the Free University of Bozen/Bolzano.
Further information

meineZukunft! – Jobfair
The meineZukunft! Job and Career Fair is a job fair organised by the district of Rosenheim.

Project "Encounter School-Company" & Open Days
The Entrepreneurs' Association of South Tyrol has been organizing the project "Encounter School-Company" for many years in order to bring young people closer to the world of business through events and targeted initiatives.

Futurum – South Tyrols education fair
The "Futurum" combines an education fair, job fair and the WorldSkill Italy in one place. It offers three days of events on the topics of education, studies, recognition of study and professional titles, careers and job applications.