Talent check-up
"Show what you're made of" is the motto of the talent check-up. The talent check-up helps pupils plan their future educational path. By means of targeted checks and self-assessment procedures, young people learn more about their interests, strengths and potential. This provides them with starting points for developing their skills and making the right educational and career choices.

The talent check-up was initiated in 2011 by the region of Vorarlberg, the department of education of the Vorarlberg region and “bifo”, the consultancy for education and jobs in Vorarlberg. It was promoted by the state governor who wanted to create a new offer for pupils concerning career orientation. The goal was to implement a standardized tool kit for them to get to know themselves and to find out their strengths and interests in order to come to an elaborate decision.
- The pupils know about their skills and interests.
- They know which „gaps“ they should close.
- They know what kind of further educational career they want
Description of the type of measure
The talent check-up is a compulsory activity for pupils in the age of 13 to 14 (up to 16) years in middle schools and secondary schools. It takes place within job orientation lessons in Autumn. Approx. 5.000 to 6.000 pupils do the talent check-up in Vorarlberg every year. 90 % of all pupils are addressed, including their parents.
In the participating classes the teachers are involved at least during the lessons when guiding the pupils with filling in the questionnaires. Some teachers also lead the “progress discussions” in which the check-up results are discussed with the pupil and its parents.
By means of targeted checks and self-assessment procedures (eg on German, mathematics, soft skills, personal interests), young people get to know their interests, strengths and potentials more precisely. This provides them with starting points for developing their skills and for making the right educational and career choices.
The checks are followed by the progress discussion. In the run-up pupils, parents and teachers fill out a questionnaire. On the basis of these comprehensive documents, documents are prepared and the current state of development, potential and the school and career choice situation are discussed from the perspective of all those involved (pupils, parents, teacher or bifo employee). The next steps are defined and, if necessary, their future individual learning priorities in the form of target agreements are defined. The consultations in the progress discussion consider all possible education options, including dual education but without especially emphasizing it. During the progress discussion information on the possibility for coaching for youngsters and for individual job counselling (carried out by bifo) is provided.
Now, the checks are done with digital support.
Teachers who participate in progress discussions are trained beforehand by bifo (1 day training plus videos for self learning).
The activity is financed by the Vorarlberg region. Required ressources by bifo: 700.000-800.000 E/year, of which ¾ is for staff costs and ¼ for costs of materials:
2x 100% employees, 1 coordinator (70%)
15-17 moderators for the progress discussions (employed from Sep to Dec only)
Trainings for teachers (1 day plus self-learning with videos)
The activity is backed by a strong collaboration with the regional administration and the regional educational board.
Similar measures exist in all Austrian regions with differences in the way how they are implemented. In Vorarlberg, schools are strongly involved in the implementation and teachers receive a remuneration for their efforts. In Salzburg the talent check-up takes place in an information fair setting and the activity is carried out during 1 day.
The activity is evaluated by pupils and teachers every 2-3 years.
Indicators of success:
- have stamina, be patient during implementation
- have reliable partners (esp for financing)
- networking with educational direction
- Different interests of involved stakeholders (economy, schools, those who implement it)
- Integration of project into school calendar
- Find temporary moderators every year
- Trainings for teachers
- Make appointments with everyone involved
What can be done to further improve the activity:
- self-evaluation: adapt if needed
- increase networking with other related players even more
- set up a centralised storage for documents
- Further focus on digitalisation
Basic information for teachers
Information for pupils
Contact details: BIFO Bildungs- und Berufsberatung Vorarlberg, Dornbirn, service@talente-check.info, 05572 31717,
- Link: https://www.talente-check.info
- More detailed information for teachers (in German): https://www.talente-check.info/lehrerinnen-ausbildung/