About the DualEducationFinder
The online platform DualEducationFinder provides information about dual education in the Alpine Space in English, French, German, Italian and Slovenian. In-company trainers, SME managers, coaches and lecturers/teachers will get answers to their most current questions on dual education. Topics covered are vocational orientation, qualification of trainers and permeability of educational systems. The platform has been developed in the context of the DuALPlus project. The contents have been collected or developed as a collective effort by the nine partner organisations that carried out the project.

As a career guidance toolbox, the platform intends to provide assistance in the orientation phase and help the target groups to find out about ongoing measures on this topic. In this way, more and more targeted orientation can take place. It provides information and practically oriented proposals for enhancing the image and value of dual education and training, for improving competences of in-company trainers and for promoting the quality of dual education. It also introduces best practice examples of training modules for in-company trainers and innovative training formats developed as part of the DuALPlus project. Furthermore, since promoting permeability in dual education is part of ensuring excellence and increasing attractiveness of dual education in the Alpine Space, the DualEducationFinder shows how permeability is shaping up in different regions, describes best practice examples and names policy proposals to enhance permeability.

The platform supports four types of users: in-company trainers, SME managers, coaches and lecturers/teachers. For each user's type, a list of relevant questions related to dual education regarding specific regions is available. In this way, the toolbox links each question to an abstract enquiry (e.g., apprenticeship search, comprehensive orientation) from the perspective of a given user. The questions can be assigned to certain regions or excluded in some regions. The same principle applies to the answers to the user’s enquiries. The orientation measures (e.g, career counselling measures) are presented in terms of both types (e.g., events, initiatives) and specific measures for each region. One or more answers are assigned to each enquiry and displayed as soon as a question or a given keyword is searched. Furthermore, a list of concrete examples of the given type of measure is shown with a title and a link by taking into account the selected region.
In the menu, the section “Infopool” presents the information in a classical structure, again sorted from the perspective of the four types of users. The “Downloads” section offers reports and documents that give in-depth information on the different topics presented in the DualEducationFinder.
About the DuALPlus project
The DuALPlus project has been running between April 2018 and September 2021. It has been co-financed by the European Union in the framework of the Alpine Space Programme. More information can be found on the on the project website.
An interactive documentation of the DuALPlus final conference is available here and you can download the report about the final conference in pdf format.