(Virtual) Open House
At the annual open house, interested people can join a guided tour of the New Design University (NDU) in St. Pölten, attend courses and workshops. They can familiarise themselves with the range of courses and take advice about issues like conditions of admissions or financing options.
Due to the Covid-pandemic, NDU Open House took place virtually in 2021.

Since its foundation in 2004, New Design University has become an integral and indispensable part of the Austrian (and German-speaking) university landscape. The Open House contributes to the visibility of the NDU in public as well as to information and advice on its range of courses and professional profiles.
Possibility to participate in different courses and workshops, counselling, exchange with students, presentation of students' projects, information for parents
Target group
Youngsters and students (from upper secondary level on), parents, young adults; potential students of each age group and educational background
Contact details: https://www.ndu.ac.at/en/news-events/virtuelles-open-house-bubble/