Experience a Profession
What tasks a profession entails and what the work in the company effectively looks like are two essential points in the decision-making process of a young person choosing a future career. In this context, there are various initiatives that enable SME- Managers to provide everyday practical insights into their work and their company.

The region of Vorarlberg (A) offers the initiative "Vorarlberg Apprenticeship Ambassadors", in which apprentices represent the company as well as the profession. The initiative "Successfully carry out professional practical days in the company" helps SME- Managers to prepare and implement practical insights in the context of company visits. The “i-Messe - the Vorarlberg vocational training fair" offers SME- Managers the opportunity to show practical insights.
The region St. Pölten/Lower Austria/Vienna (A) offers SME- Managers the opportunity to give young people real insights into their firms through the "Bildungsmeile Amstetten-Scheibbs". The "DUO**STARS SUMMERschool" format involves SME- Managers in the form of on-site visits.
In the region of Valais (CH) SME- Managers can provide young people with real insights by presenting their company at the "Berufsschaufenster Upper Valais”. The "Infopass Valais" provides lively insights, too.
In the region Rosenheim/Bavaria (D), initiatives such as "Apprenticeship ambassadors - Combined degree" and the "Ausbildungs-Scouts” offer SME- Managers the opportunity to provide everyday insights through their apprentices.
The region of Auvergne Rhône-Alpes (F) offers SME- Managers two opportunities to present everyday practice in the company: the initiatives "Bravo les Artisans" and "Craftsmanship makes its cinema".
The region of South Tyrol (I) offers SME- Managers the opportunity to bring young people into their firm through the project "Encounter School-Company”, especially through the "Open Days", and thus provide them with everyday insights.
Further information

Apprenticeship ambassadors “Combined degree”
Apprenticeship ambassadors are students in a combined degree programme who are completing a suitable apprenticeship profession parallel to their studies.

“Ausbildungs-Scouts” are apprentices in various apprenticed profession who belong to the Chamber of Commerce (IHK), to which the concept of this vocational orientation measure belongs. The apprentices visit classes at secondary schools, where they present their profession to the pupils and thus

Bildungsmeile Amstetten-Scheibbs
Possibility for students and parents to visit training companies and get insights into different activities.

Summer school programmes for students from vocational schools to provide information and consultation about educational and career pathways.

i-Messe - the Vorarlberg vocational training fair
The i-Messe is the largest event in Vorarlberg in the field of career guidance and takes place every two years for three days in the fall.

Successfully carry out professional practical days in the company
Within the framework of an information event, apprenticeship trainers and entrepreneurs of the Montafon region are trained in the successful and optimal implementation of taster days in their companies, among other things, by means of a checklist ("The perfect taster day").

Vorarlberg Apprenticeship Ambassadors
The apprenticeship ambassadors are young people who are in the middle of their own apprenticeship. They tell students at school about their job, their career and how they got there.

Berufsschaufenster Upper Valais
The Berufsschaufenster (job showcase) gives young people who are about to choose a profession a practice-oriented and animated insight into the professions of the Upper Valais economy and brings prospective apprentices together with potential apprenticeship companies.

Valais InfoPass (information pass)
InfoPass is an event that aims to give the participating young people a lively insight into a job or a secondary school. In addition, professionals from different professions give practical insights into their everyday life.